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The Pathway

Our programs encompass a variety of components, but the pathway often begins at Ruth’s Boutique.

Ruth’s Boutique Lunch and Learn and Pop Up Boutiques provide basic hygiene supplies for the family along with special extras set up in an elegant atmosphere. This allows individuals to shop for free for things that they need and also preserves their dignity.

Rather than being handed a bag, items are chosen and this honors individual’s preferences and choices.

During the program, a speaker shares information about their discipline. We have had psychiatrists, financial planners, The American Heart Association and more come in to discuss vital information! We also have a blood pressure screening by a local medical organization.

Lunch is provided and relationships of trust are built.

Those who would like to further their path and learn important life skills have an opportunity to participate in Getting Ahead, Staying Ahead and Mental Health First Aid classes. These are all important resource building programs that aim to lead individuals into further growth.

At the core of our program is a strengths-based, trauma-informed approach that recognizes the resilience of individuals.

By starting with Ruth's Boutique, we address not only the practical needs of our participants but also their emotional and psychological well-being. We build relationships and connect our shoppers to local professionals and information.

Our pathway aims to increase awareness, improve outcomes, increase access to resources, and enhance participants' coping skills and resilience.

In 2024, all Thrive 10:10 programs served over 700 individuals. The majority of those served were directly through Ruth’s Boutique and their programs with many of the other programs having Ruth’s Boutique as the first point of contact.

This pathway works.

Our 'Getting Ahead and Staying Ahead' program represents a comprehensive approach to financial literacy and mental health promotion, addresses the multifaceted needs of our participants and empowers them to thrive and give back.

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